Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Moon Taurus/Gemini : May 4, 2011

There is a slowness with the heat of the day today. I feel my mind spinning with the knowing that the deep tissue class starts tomorrow. Something I have been preparing, planning, and creating for weeks now. Nothing has exactly seemed to line up.
I think it's been a hard one to prepare for because I haven't been able to get clear about what it will be like. It has changed form about a million times in my mind, heart, and on the website. Now I feel that it will just be simple and flow easily and I cannot put any more energy into it until it happens. Let it go.
We had a beautiful Beltane party here this weekend and are going to have another ceremony tonight in the sweat lodge. I'm looking forward to this experience. I haven't sweat in a long time and the cleansing process will be good for me.
I am going to be in Guatemala in 2 weeks. It will be an interesting shift to be traveling again. I am feeling so ingrained and at home here at Inanitah. I'm going there to meet up with my friend Dara, whose coming down to study spanish. I may join her in her studies. We shall see how things line up.
New moon intentions: I intend for this upcoming course to be able to transmit the information and body of work clearly and effectively to my students and that they may receive it well. I am intending for the clarity and healing of all my relations. I am intending for peace, prosperity, and well-being for all my relations. A-ho Mitakuye Oyasin

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