Monday, May 30, 2011


Introducing, Volcan San Pedro (arriba)
and, again...
beautiful artwork....
and, a shot of the fuller scope of the lake. 3 Volcans create a caldero here, what a magical place! I'll be going back again next week to spend more time.

Sunday, May 29, 2011


Above: Marketplace in Xela where I bought all of my fruits and veggies for the week for under $15. USD. Man, it's gonna be hard to return to the states.

Above: El Mercado en Xela again. You can see the name of the city written on the city bus to the right. Two woman dressed in typical Guatemalan clothing. One carrying her wares on her head, as is customary here. They do have these handy little cushions that they use to soften the pressure directly on the crown. I have to say, ergonomically, this is much more effective to have weight directly a top the spine than to have it all weighing on the back the way the "backpackers" do around here. I have taken a lesson and am carrying my massage table around on my head.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

On my way home...

Where is home, exactly?
Home is an internal state of being. It's a space that I get to keep clear inside myself which allows me to channel the appropriate energy in any given moment. It allows me to love myself and my body. Its the feeling of being comfortable and relaxed no matter the external circumstance.
I may already BE home. This is something I'm exploring as I make my way between Nicaragua and Guatemala.
Over the past two months, Inanitah has been such a harbor of love and safety and peace for me.
I left this morning on the 11 a.m bus. I won't recount the past few days too much except to say that I have discovered something in myself that is new and bursting forth to be seen. It is the desire to explore conflict resolution or peace making as a profession. If anyone knows anything about this, please write to me. I have intentions of taking a training in NVC (non-violent communication) this September.
Anyway, I have been traveling, bus/car/boat/bus to Managua and now am in a mall across from the King Quality station, where I will get on the bus to leave at 2:30 a.m. I have been at the mall since about 4:30 p.m and it's now 7:30. I have had chinese food, coffee, and ice cream, all for the first time in 2 months. I have bought a book for the bus ride, Carolyn Myss' Sacred Contracts, a pen to journal on the bus ride, and spent an hour or so on the internet so far.
There is a movie ciniplex here, so I will go see the last movie of the night, which begins at 8:30 p.m. I think it's something about your mama and it's a comedy. Yes, I will probably eat popcorn too. It's a very strange thing to be here. A bit of culture shock. I feel very dirty as I have been living in a tent w/o shoes or mirrors for months now. It was very odd to see my reflection as I rode the escalator up to the top floor. Now I remember what I look like! I'm kinda cute.
I am going to leave here around 10 o'clock and go across the street to the King Quality station and wait outside on their porch until 1 a.m when they let people in to wait for the bus. It's kinda odd, I know, but I really couldn't bring myself to spend the $40 on a room and taxi when I was only going to be there for a few hours and I'm much more entertained in the mall here.
Anyway, the point I was trying to make earlier is that I'm feeling at peace still. I think I've carried some of the Inanitah magic with me! AND, my spanish is soooo much better! It's incredible to be able to create whole, fluid sentences that result in a meaningful exchange of some sort with another human being here. Wow! Satisfaction at last.
I am on my way to Guatemala to meet up w. my friend Dara in Antigua. Looking forward to feeling it there. Have heard lots of yummy goodness about Lake Atitlan!
More on the other side of the 2 day journey by bus. We stop in San Salvador for a night. Hopefully I will find a place w/ wifi and be able to post again about the trip. I'm feeling very curious.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I look up at the post sunset pale sky, clouds darkening, pink hues covering the distant horizon, and a little sliver of the moon, a magical cheshire cat smile beaming down brightly, emerging from the days of dark moon time. the volcano conception juts up incredibly full and beautiful with a cloud of smoke dancing around her head.
The evening comes quickly with each day is so full.
Simple things that make each day so beautiful like the dance between the lizard and the praying mantis on the temple floor. Or finding time this afternoon to stretch out and practice yoga for an hour after class. Blessings for each and every moment, consistently reminded to be grateful. Smiles and laughs and hugs all come so easily here.
I have traded in a VW Jetta for a pair of Tevas. I have traded in a cottage in Arden for a backpack and a tent. I have traded in a thriving business for the day to day flow of energy to feed myself. I have traded in closeness of my family for the closeness of strangers, who may stay strange, but quickly become like family.
I marvel at my life often. I have cultivated a witness, who values this space and time.
I can feel my future self softly reflecting back to these days at Inanitah and whispering:
"Soak it up, take it in. Feel the joy moving through your bones. Feel the fullness of your heart space. Be grateful for the ease and simplicity and lack of wanting and breathe deep, resting into this love of existence that you have found."
I bask in the mirror of this witness, since I live in a place with no literal mirrors, the words come through like a soothing balm, reminding me that a part of me is eternal and precious.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New Moon Taurus/Gemini : May 4, 2011

There is a slowness with the heat of the day today. I feel my mind spinning with the knowing that the deep tissue class starts tomorrow. Something I have been preparing, planning, and creating for weeks now. Nothing has exactly seemed to line up.
I think it's been a hard one to prepare for because I haven't been able to get clear about what it will be like. It has changed form about a million times in my mind, heart, and on the website. Now I feel that it will just be simple and flow easily and I cannot put any more energy into it until it happens. Let it go.
We had a beautiful Beltane party here this weekend and are going to have another ceremony tonight in the sweat lodge. I'm looking forward to this experience. I haven't sweat in a long time and the cleansing process will be good for me.
I am going to be in Guatemala in 2 weeks. It will be an interesting shift to be traveling again. I am feeling so ingrained and at home here at Inanitah. I'm going there to meet up with my friend Dara, whose coming down to study spanish. I may join her in her studies. We shall see how things line up.
New moon intentions: I intend for this upcoming course to be able to transmit the information and body of work clearly and effectively to my students and that they may receive it well. I am intending for the clarity and healing of all my relations. I am intending for peace, prosperity, and well-being for all my relations. A-ho Mitakuye Oyasin