Sunday, September 4, 2011

Feeling the Flow, Riding the Wave: A Prayer to Bali, Burning Man, and Other Places On Earth.

Tonight, as the sacred temple burns, may the crazy, beautiful magic of the mulitverse shine brightly
within us, illuminating us with unimaginable blessings. 

Opening doors, windows, breaking down walls,
to reveal to us the multi-dimensional nature
of our co-creative selves.
Weaving this into the morphic fields of consciousness.

May this recognition propel us to journey wildly, ecstatically, and courageously
 into life as well as into death. 
Warriors of light, beings of love.

Listening deeply to the voice of that which arises in inspiration.
Trusting deeply that which saturates our hearts with achy, joyful, fullness.
Healing and being healed by the hearts, minds, and souls of all those we encounter. 

Gracefully we balance in the temporal blessing of embodiment
as well as to our eternal belonging to all that is and all that ever will be.

Allow us to be
 vibrantly awakened and connected.

As within, so without.

Valerie Hope Cherrin
September 4, 2011
Asheville, NC


  1. Beautiful words, my friend. Miss you like the sun. Your insights and giving spirit always inspire. Much love, B

  2. Beautiful Val. And yes, miss you. <3
