I have been taking classes in spanish all week at a place called Celas Maya here in Xela, highlands of Guatemala. Excellent school. Recommend highly.
I am COLD.
I can not wait to go to lowlands again (tomorrow...less than 24 hours). I havent quite known what to do with myself. The water in my hostel is cold as well. In fact, I dont think Ive had a hot shower in months but I havent cared because I have been living in 90+ degree heat! Who needs a hot shower when they are sweating?
So, I have been wearing all my clothes, consuming hot food/beverages, and not bathing properly.
The city of Xela is very nice, I`m sure, I just haven`t quite been able to get into it because most of what´s in my backpack is about as cold resistant as a bikini and flip flops. Oh yea, and it´s raining a lot too. Sunscreen, anyone?
Ok, better mood in a day or two. Looking forward to espcaping. Sometimes scarcity is necessary to appricate what you`re lacking. Right now that`s sunshine, heat, and comfort in my own skin.
But, on the bright side, I´m speaking a lot more spanish and a lot less spanglish.
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